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General terms and conditions / Imprint

Aarau, October 2021

1. Area of application

For the business relationship between the Aargauer Kunsthaus (hereinafter referred to as ‘Museum’) and the purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Customer’)of admission and event tickets (including guided tours and workshops) via the Museum’s webshop, the following General Terms and Conditions apply at the time of purchase.

2. Conclusion of contract

The contract is concluded when the Museum accepts the customer's order by confirming it by e-mail. This confirmation describes the essential contents of the order.

It is the sole responsibility of the customer to enter personal details correctly, in particular the email address, in the purchase process and to purchase tickets online in time. There is no entitlement to a free seat and/or a specific seat category.

Any reproduction, modification, imitation or resale of the physical or electronic tickets is expressly prohibited.

3. Prices

All prices are given in CHF and contain the possible legally mandatory Value Added Tax.

4. Means and terms of payment

Payment may be made by credit card or Postcard via Saferpay.

5. Use of Saferpay

The Museum has entrusted Saferpay with processing credit card and Postcard payments. The Customer accepts the applicable terms and conditions of Saferpay.

6. Return and exchange of tickets

Return or exchange of tickets is generally excluded. In the event of postponements of events, the tickets are automatically valid for the postponement date.
In the event of a definite cancellation, the customer will be informed by e-mail about the further procedure.

If the customer is unable to provide proof of compliance with the Covid rules in force at the time of the event, admission will be refused. The right of revocation and a refund of the ticket price are excluded in this case.

7. Liability

Claims for damage are excluded, unless the damage is the result of a deliberate or grossly negligent act by the Museum.

Liability for indirect or consequential damage, in particular also for any kind of transmission errors, technical faults or defects, operational failures or interruptions, interventions in IT systems or consequential damage including maintenance work, overloading of IT systems and loss of data is explicitly excluded.

Under no circumstances shall the Museum be liable for consequential damage or loss of profit.

8. Transmission and printing of tickets

Tickets are transmitted to the customer directly after payment by releasing a download link and sending an e-mail with the download link. After the download, the paid ticket can be saved as a PDF on the smartphone or printed directly on paper. No physical tickets will be issued and/or sent.

The tickets must be presented to the entrance control without being asked. Admission will only be granted upon presentation of undamaged tickets.

9. Discounts and vouchers

Discounts can be claimed via the Internet. The pass or voucher entitling the holder to the discount must be presented at the entrance without being asked. Vouchers cannot be used as a means of payment via the Internet.

Become a member and benefit from the advantages of a membership. Further information on the website of the Aargauer Kunsthaus in the section 'Kunstverein & Freunde'.

10. Available space

Space and ticket availability is limited depending on the event.

11. Programme changes

The operator reserves the right to cancel an event, change the date, the time of a performance or the staffing / mediator even after the start of advance sales. In the event of changes to the staffing / mediator, the date or the starting time of an event, there is no entitlement to a refund of the purchase price.

12. Audiovisual recordings

The Museum records certain performances on audio, visual or audiovisual media. The customer agrees that the museum may use such recordings without any claim to remuneration, even if his or her person may be recognisable on them.

13. Data protection

The Museum has entrusted Saferpay with processing credit card and Postcard payments and gathering the required data for those payments. As a result, the Museum has no knowledge of those data. Only the Customer’s order data (names, address, e-mail, telephone and ordered goods) are passed on to the Museum webshop. These order data are only used within the Museum and not shared with any third party.

14. Applicable law

The provisions of Swiss apply. The UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) or any other international agreements are not.

Operator and Contractual Partner:

Kanton Aargau Aargauer Kunsthaus
CH-5001 Aarau

Tel. +41 62 835 23 30


micro systems, Gipf-Oberfrick