Surrealismus Schweiz (Catalogue. Italian Edition)

The comprehensive, opulently illustrated book Surrealism Switzerland with its high-ranking contributions provides a profound art and cultural-historical overview of the development and reception of this important international art movement in Switzerland. It presents an artistic stance that was adopted largely independently of the Parisian exponents of the first exhibitions and that continues to influence Swiss art today. Publication accompanying the exhibitions of the same name at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (September 1, 2018 - January 2, 2019) and at the Museo d'arte della Svizzera italiana (MASI) Lugano (February 10 - June 16, 2019)

Title: Surrealism Switzerland
Contributions: With texts by Peter Fischer, Stephan Hauser, Julia Schallberger and Hans-Peter Wittwer and 61 artist biographies by Peter Fischer, Bettina Mühlebach, Julia Schallberger, Noemi Scherrer and Nora Togni
Published by: Peter Fischer und Julia Schallberger / Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau und MASILugano
Publishing house: Snoeck, Köln 2018
Design: Uli Schwinge, randgruppe
Binding: bound
Pages: 288
Format: 24 × 30 cm
Color illustrations

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CHF 59.00

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