Bertschi Denise. Manor Kunstpreis (Catalogue)

On the occasion of the exhibition that the artist, winner of the Manor Art Prize 2020, was presenting at the Aargauer Kunsthaus (January 25 - April 26, 2020), the present monograph was being produced, which brings together her most important work complexes. In three chapters, the pictorial section leads associatively through the most important stages of Bertschi's investigative pictorial practice: the initial collecting and collating (Collecting), the documentary search for traces on site (Documenting), and the translations into various pictorial media (Presenting). The text contributions throw new and valuable light on Bertschi's work from different perspectives. Bernhard C. Schär and André Nicacio Lima discuss the historical and cultural foundations on which Bertschi's work on the relationship between Brazil and Switzerland is based. Using photography as a means of documentation, Anselm Franke focuses on the motif of the border, which is a central theme in Bertschi's work. As the person responsible for the publication and the exhibition in the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Yasmin Afschar sketches in her essay the most important aspects and themes in Bertschi's practice.

Title: Bertschi Denise
STRATA. Mining Silence
Contributions: Yasmin Afschar, Anselm Franke, Bernhard C. Schär & André Nicacio Lima
Published by: Yasmin Afschar / Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau
Publishing house: edition fink, Verlag für zeitgenössische Kunst, Zürich
Design: Martin Stoecklin und Melina Wilson, Zürich, mit Anna Pravorotskaya
Binding: bound
Pages: 223
Format: 22.5 × 28.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-03746-238-6
Printing: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH
Color illustrations

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CHF 38.00

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