Su-Mei Tse. Nested (Catalogue)

The work of Su-Mei Tse, the Luxembourgish artist with cosmopolitan roots, is permeated by the examination of time, existence, memory, rhythm and language. Media such as photography, video and object art form the focal points of her work. In them she articulates transitions between different fields: Sound and image, music and space, nature and culture, spiritual space and sensual experience. Like the exhibition of the same name, Nested, this publication presents itself similar to a notebook. In other words, in a form that gathers everyday, visual and sonic impressions or memories within itself, mixes them in a subjective-intuitive way and weaves a web of echoic references and correspondences. The artist developed this book in close collaboration with the graphic designer Anja Lutz. It is the most comprehensive publication on her work to date.

Title: Su-Mei Tse
Contributions: Edited by Christophe Gallois and Katrin Weilenmann With texts by Doryun Chong (chief curator, M+, Hong Kong), Emanuele Coccia (philosopher, Paris), Christophe Gallois (curator, Mudam Luxembourg), Katrin Weilenmann (curator, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau)
Published by: Aargauer Kunsthaus & Mudam Luxembourg
Publishing house: Sternberg Press, Berlin
Design: Gestaltet von Anja Lutz // Book Design, Berlin
Binding: bound
Pages: 268
Format: 21.5 × 28 cm
ISBN 978-3-95679-406-3
Deutsch/ Englisch
Color illustrations

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CHF 36.00

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